The deadline for abstract submissions is end of day (UTC) 15 November 2024.
Abstracts (from 300 to 500 words) are invited in the following areas:
State of the art applications of seismic isolation and damping technologies in bridges
Innovative applications to new and existing buildings
Equipment and non-structural isolation
Seismic hazard / ground motions – implications for isolation and damping systems
Emerging technologies – new materials, new device concepts
Sustainable technologies and low-cost systems
Advances in device modeling and analytical capabilities
Advances in device testing capabilities, ongoing challenges
Seismic isolation and the new generation of nuclear power
Achieving performance targets and functional recovery objectives in seismically isolated and damped structures
Behavior of seismically isolated and damped structures in recent earthquakes
Structural monitoring of seismically isolated and damped structures
Long-term condition assessment of seismically isolated structures
Evolution of codes and standard for isolation and damping systems
Knowledge dissemination: communicating benefits to owners; educating young engineers
For other important information: